Ya gotta accentuate the positive...

I know…I can hear your collective eye roll, virtual world. Just hear me out. I don’t mean clapping your hands over your ears and pretending none of this is happening. I also don’t mean spouting religious platitudes to you about how this is all for a reason. No, no…I mean, find your way around what’s happening, to allow yourself some sanity.

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Megan CourtneyComment
Dating as a modern widow: the false narratives of finding love, post-loss

Then I had to ask myself why? Someone who’s divorced three years doesn’t have to worry about it…heck, people who are not even divorced yet aren’t judged for jumping right out into the dating pool. So
why, as someone who, by all accounts, was a loving, loyal spouse to a terminally ill husband, do I sense some people shift in their seats upon the idea that I am out to dinner with someone that isn’t my late husband?

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Megan Courtney Comment
A summer "off," a move, and a bit of an identity crisis

With this move, my oldest went from being on the “older kid” end of elementary school, to the lower end of an “upper elementary school” that extends through sixth grade. My middle child went from going into a middle grade, to the “oldest” grade at the PK-2 school; and my baby, my BABY is starting his full time education, exactly one week from today. That last one is what is about to put me over the edge of my Momsanity.

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