Six reminders for surviving the last of the holi -”daze”

Tis the season, my friends!!  We are officially less than ten days out from those “magical” holidays! 

If you’ve made it this far without a mental breakdown, KUDOS! You’re ahead of the game. If you’re teetering toward the edge, remember that the end is near! As we inch closer to the pinnacle of the holiday season (and closer to losing our sanity), I just wanted to throw the following reminders out there…

1). You don’t have to attend EVERY holiday event. 

I know there are 8,904,239 events in any given town, especially in the week before Christmas/Hannukah/ Chrismukah - but there’s no shame in picking three, baking some cookies at home, and calling it a season. Bad weather happens, sickness happens, and exhaustion is a real thing. Well rested people (and kids) are a lot happier come the actual holiday when they aren’t running a three week, un-winnable marathon of a million treats, late nights, extra wine and petri dishes of cold/flu/stomach viruses disguised as Santa laps.

2. DON’T Panic.

It’s crunch time. We’re panicking about our gifts (or lack thereof). This is when we get 1,200 emails a day, reminding us we have three days left to get our orders in for Christmas Eve delivery. The sales percentages are rising, our bank accounts are falling, and somehow we end up buying more crap our families don’t want, don’t need, and will forget about before the new year.  Ignore your emails, unsubscribe, delete them immediately!! You’ve got this under control, don’t fall into the trap.

3. Remember to take care of yourself.

Take your meds. Call your therapist. Take a time out from holiday madness with a coffee with friends, a workout, or a book. 

4. Don’t wait until the last minute to get ready.

I have to say this to myself every day. I’m a widowed parent, so there’s definitely an amplified need to do things in advance. However, I remember when I did have a partner helping, and it STILL sucked to be wrapping at 1 am Christmas morning because we didn’t get it done in advance (and also, bought too much junk!).  Utilize pockets of time this week to wrap a couple of gifts at a time, buy non-perishables to prepare for guests, make a list, check it twice, wait…that’s Santa…

5. Don’t feel a smidgeon bad about cutting corners, delegating, asking for help, or keeping things casual.

I’ve only gotten here recently, but once I started to let people help me, good GOD how much better life got. Instead of insisting “I got this! I will go all the places, do all the things, and make everything from scratch! ” I said “SURE you can bring antipasto!” And “Would you mind putting out dishes?” I bought frozen latkes for the start of Chanukah next Sunday. We plan to have family over, AND stay in our pajamas on Christmas Eve. The holidays don’t need to be grand to feel good. 

6.Fuck perfect.

I know, that sounds crass, but that’s just how strongly I feel. Perfection is a myth. I’ve whipped up perfect meals, decorated perfect trees, gotten all the presents and then some. No amount of “things,” nor making things look pretty, can make you feel good if you just don’t. Not to mention, the added pressure can make anyone miserable. I still try to make things nice for my kids…I decorate, we have magic elves, I’m trying to pick thoughtful gifts; but I also know I can’t control everything, and it won’t all go to plan. Know your limits, give yourself grace, and don’t be mad at yourself for being human (and don’t be mad at your kids for being kids, either). 

When all else fails, just remember, all of this holiday madness is temporary. Before you know it, it’ll be a new year, and you can get back to life as usual. So do your best to breathe through the tough moments, laugh at the stupid things that go wrong (and if you’re like me, there will be many), and enjoy as much as you can!

Good luck! XOXO

Megan Courtney